Ercan E. Kuruošlu
"What does Information Theory have to say about Biological Evolution"

Ercan E. Kuruošlu (M’98-SM’06) received the BSc and MSc degrees in electrical and electronics engineering from Bilkent University, Turkey, in 1991 and 1993, and the MPhil and PhD degrees in information engineering from the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, in 1995 and 1998, respectively. In 1998, he joined Xerox Research Center Europe, Cambridge. He was an ERCIM fellow in 2000 with INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, France. In January 2002, he joined ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy. He was a visiting professor with Georgia Tech-China in 2007, 2011 and 2016. He is currently a senior researcher at ISTI-CNR. He was an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. He is currently the editor in chief of Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal. He acted as a technical co-chair for EUSIPCO 2006 and a tutorials co-chair of ICASSP 2014. He is a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Signal Processing Theory and Methods. He was a plenary speaker at ISSPA 2010 and tutorial speaker at IEEE ICSPCC 2012. He was a Chinese Government 111 Project Foreign Expert 2007-2011. He was an Alexander von Humboldt Experienced Research Fellow in the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in 2013-2015. His research interests are in the areas of statistical signal and image processing and information and coding theory with applications in computational biology, telecommunications, earth sciences and astrophysics.