Activity Type: Special Session
Special Session Name:Microwave Circuit Applications
Special Session Organizers:
Associate Prof. Dr. Taha İmeci. İst. Commerce Üniversity
Call for papers:
A session of design, simulate, built and test of Microwave filters, antennas and couplers which are light, easy to produce and suitable for new age wireless technologies.
Importance and Rationale:
Practical applications of microwave circuits which are infrastructure of electronic circuits that leads our country to new technologies such as 5G are researchers interest of both commercial and educational.
Technical Programme Committee:
Doç. Dr. Ahmet Fazıl Yağlı. Aselsan. afyagli{a*}
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hamid Torpi. Yıldız Tek. Univ. hamidtorpi{a*}
Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Karaçuha. İTÜ. ertugrulkaracuha{a*}