15-18 MAY 2017


3- Ambient Intelligence and Social Signal Processing

Activity Type: Special Session

Special Session Name: Ambient Intelligence and Social Signal Processing

Special Session Organizers:
Heysem Kaya, Namık Kemal University, Turkey, hkaya{a*}nku.edu.tr
Hamdi Dibeklioğlu, TU Delft, The Netherlands, h.dibeklioglu{a*}tudelft.nl
Neşe Alyüz, Intel Corporation, USA, nese.alyuz.civitci{a*}intel.com
Albert Ali Salah, Boğaziçi University, Turkey, salah{a*}boun.edu.tr

Call for papers:
The environments we live and the devices we use get more andmore information processing capacity every day, thanks to the embedded processors and developing sensor technologies. Ambient intelligence is a vision originating from fast development of computer technology and its ubiquitous place in our life: when computers were inially used, they were werving multiple people; in the future however, multiple processors are expected to serve one person.

The fact that technology turns objects and environments surrounding us more intelligent enables human-centered, personalized services an experiences. On the other hand, for this vision to come true, many theoretic and practical problems need to be solved. Many works are done on new sensor technologies, sharing of the data from these sensors over networks and providing personalized services by mining information from these data.

Personlized services can be used not only for human-machine interaction but also to analyse the interaction among people. Social signal processing/social computing is an emerging research field that foresees the processing of collected human communication signals in a semantic structure considering location, time and state-dependent variables.

The aim of this special session is sharing the approaches, technologies and research in these two related, fast growing subjects. The social signal processing sessions, which are organized since SIU 2008, had been followed by many participants, and had led to joint projects among participants. The special session will focus on the subjects including but not limited to the following:

Natural human-computer interaction
-Multimodal human-computer interaction
-New interfaces
-New communication structures and ontolojies
-Multimodal fusion
-Multimodal databases and performance evaluation
-Emotion and expression recognition
-Natural human-robot interaction

Natural human-human communication analysis
-Multimodal group analysis (speaker diarization, finding the focus of attention, estimating the meeting type)
-Recognition/detection of audio/visual non-verbal communication cues
-Estimating social states (level of attention, dominance, leadership, proximity)

Learning and adaptation
-Learning algorithms
-User profiling and personalized services
-Agent-based user interfaces (Sensor Technologies and Infrastructure)
-RGB-D cameras
-Wireless networks, sensor networks and network infrastructures
-Mobile devices
-New sensor technologies
-Smart camera systems
-Software architectures for multi-platform interfaces
-Intelligent objects
-Tracking and recognition using multimple sensors
-Social signal analysis using EEG

-Smart home applications
-Security applications
-Meeting applications
-Smart environments for continuous education and cognitive support
-Game applications
-Service applications
-Surveillance of natural environments using sensors

Curriculum Vitae of Organizers:

Heysem Kaya, Namık Kemal University, Turkey, hkaya{a*}nku.edu.tr, Tel: +90 282 250 2346;
Heysem Kaya completed his PhD on computational paralinguistics and mutimodal affective computing in Boğaziçi University, Computer Engineering Department in 2015. His doctoral studies were awarded prizes at INTERSPEECH 2014 ve 2015 Computational Paralinguistics (ComParE) and ICMI 2015 Video Based Emotion Recognition in the Wild (EmotiW) challenges. Post-doctoral works won first places at ComParE 2016 ve ICPR 2016 ChaLearn LAP competitions. Currently he works as post-doctoral researcher in Namık Kemal University. His research interests include machine learning, affective computing and multimodal behavior recognition.

Hamdi Dibeklioğlu, TU Delft, The Netherlands, h.dibeklioglu{a*}tudelft.nl;
Hamdi Dibeklioğlu was awarded his doctoral degree from University of Amsterdam in 2014. Currently, he is working as a post-doctoral researcher in Delft University of Technology. Between 2014-2015 he had been to Carnegie Mellon University, University of Pittsburgh and Massachusetts Institute of Technology as visitng researcher, besides to his position at TU Delft. He conducts research in face and behaviours analysis, human-machine communication, computer vision and patter recognition fields.

Neşe Alyüz, Intel Corporation, USA, nese.alyuz.civitci{a*}intel.com;
Neşe Alyüz works as researcher at Intel, Oregon. She is specialized in machine learning and human-machine communciation. After received her PhD from Boğaziçi University, she worked as researcher in Koç University and Intel Turkey branch. She presented and invited speech entitled "Shaping the Future of Education with Empathic Companions" at "2nd International Workshop Emotion Representations and Modelling for Companion Systems" organized in conjunction with ACM Int. Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2016 in Japan.

Albert Ali Salah, Boğaziçi University, Turkey, salah{a*}boun.edu.tr, Tel: +90 212 359 7774;
Albert Ali Salah received his PhD from Boğaziçi University Computer Engineering Department in 2007. He worked in The Netherlands CWI Institue (2007-2009) and University of Amsterdam (2009-2011). Currently, he is an assitant professor in Boğaziçi University Computer Engineering Department and coordinator of the Cognive Science graduate program. He is emong the editors of Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, IEEE Trans. Autonomous Mental Development journals. He conducts research on computer vision, pattern recognition and their application to automatic behaviour recognition.

Technical Programme Committee:
Aykut Erdem, aykut{a*}cs.hacettepe.edu.tr, Hacettepe University
Berk Gökberk, berk.gokberk{a*}mef.edu.tr, MEF University
Bülent Sankur, bulent.sankur{a*}boun.edu.tr, Boğaziçi University
Devrim Unay, devrim.unay{a*}ieu.edu.tr, İzmir Ekonomi University
Elif Sürer, elifs{a*}metu.edu.tr, Middle East Technical University
Erkut Erdem, erkut{a*}cs.hacettepe.edu.tr, Hacettepe University
Hatice Köse, hatice.kose{a*}itu.edu.tr, İstanbul Technical University
Hazım Ekenel, ekenel{a*}itu.edu.tr, İstanbul Technical University
Helin Dutağacı, helindutagaci{a*}gmail.com, Eskişehir Osmangazi University
Kerem Altun, kerem.altun{a*}isikun.edu.tr, Işık University
Melih Kandemir, melihkandemir{a*}gmail.com, Heidelberg University
Özlem Durmaz İncel, odurmaz{a*}gmail.com, Galatasaray University
Pınar Duygulu Şahin, pinar.duygulu{a*}gmail.com, Hacettepe University
Tahir Emre Kalaycı, tekrei{a*}gmail.com, Bolzano Free University
Uğur B. Töreyin, toreyin{a*}itu.edu.tr, İstanbul Technical University